onsdag 16 september 2009

Dennis Lehane om Harry Bosch

Det är inte bara jag som tycker om Michael Connellys Harry Bosch-roman The Last Coyote (Den sista prärievargen). Recension här.

En annan av mina stora favoriter, Dennis Lehane, skriver i en italiensk tidning om karaktären Harry Bosch och speciellt romanen The Last Coyote. Han jämför Raymand Chandlers karaktär Philip Marlow and Bosch, och konstaterar att "I´ve always found it easier to invest in him (Bosch) than in Marlow".
Chandler beskriver Marlow som "a complete man".
Bosch är minst av allt en sådan man. Men han ger aldrig upp.  Lehane skriver:

"Harry Bosch, on the other hand, has never given up. Over the course of fifteen novels, he has warred with serial killers, drug smugglers, the mafia, corrupt (and in some cases killer) cops, riotous street gangs, an entrenched LAPD bureaucracy, and the tentacles of the power structure that run the city and, by extension, the world. In just about every case, he has been physically and psychologically damaged. His grip on his soul and his sanity remains precarious. And because of that, I've always found it easier to invest in him than in Marlowe. Marlowe was, true to his creator's vision and personal aesthetic, "a complete man." Bosch, however, is deeply incomplete, continually haunted by his past, by his baser instincts, by his need for justice (or is it vengeance?) and by his fervent desire, even as he believes the world is as rotten as he "knows it to be," to create some minor vision of Heaven to illuminate a city, and a world, that has lost its light."
Connellys nya om Harry Bosch kommer ut om några veckor. Och jag borde få provision efter all reklam jag gör för Connelly.


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