"It is dawning on me however, as I have been reading some blogs and hearing which Christian leaders are excited about her - many of them are from conservative complementarian churches. Which means as they are enthusiastic about her becoming vice president and making incredibly important decisions for our country for both men and women and make speeches and lead - she couldn't teach in most of their pulpits, or be an elder or pastor in their church and make decisions and lead both men and women in a church setting.
So we would be OK with her taking on the leadership role of vice president. By doing so, we are also supportive of her being president if John McCain wasn't able to lead and she stepped in to lead the 303 million people of the USA. But the irony and theological practical tension is how we are supporting her as a leader to that extreme capacity of 303 million people, yet in a complementarian rural church of 50 people, she would not be able to lead both men and women there".
Lite med kvinnor som med invandrare, med andra ord: De får göra 'enkla' smutsjobben, eller möjligen vara ledare för nationen.
SvaraRaderaSynsättet beror ju också på vilken kyrkosyn man själv har. Mitt bloggande om Att-vara-församling har styrkt mig i att den autonoma husförsamlingen öppnar upp att tala evangelium för både presidenter och för dem som har att "göra 'enkla' smutsjobb" (dit jag gärna och ofta räknar mig själv som ett privilegium).