torsdag 12 april 2007

Inspirera författare

Inlägg endast för invigda Michael Connelly fans.

Vem vet, kanske kommer en framtida deckare med Harry Bosch innehålla något som författaren fick en idé om när han läste ett mail från en svensk läsare, (undertecknad).
Och kom sedan inte och säg att författare inte kommunicerar med sina läsare.

Utdrag från Message Board på Michael Connellys hemsida:

"By Monica Olskolk on Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Dear Michael,
I must admit I’m a bit addicted to your books and especially the one’s about Harry Bosch.
As a social worker I can’t help analyzing Harry Bosch´ childhood and how it was possible for him to become a (fairly) normal person, despite his troubled childhood and youth.
Most children growing up in youth halls and foster homes grow up to be very egoistic and insensitive adults, certainly not with a life mission like Harry’s, believing that “Everybody counts or nobody counts”.
In Swedish we have an expression, a dandelion child, referring to the dandelion plant breaking through the tarmac, no matter how hard it is, and managing to flower. A child, who despite the troubled childhood, manages to become an (fairly) normal adult. But often a dandelion child has had someone, a distant relative, teacher, friend’s parents, etc, who has helped on the way.
So I’m wondering, who was this someone, helping the dandelion child Harry Bosch to hang on to the great values of life and break through the tarmac, or had simply his mother’s love, taught him enough to hang on?
Thanks for great books, Monica
By Michael Connelly on Monday, April 09, 2007
That’s a good question and it plants a seed. Maybe I need to explore this in Harry’s childhood. It could be very interesting. Thank you."

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